Take digital learning in marketing to the next level – new editions of Kotler and Solomon with Mylab Marketing
Discover new editions of two best-selling texts for Principles of Marketing courses, which both come with our online learning and assessment platform, MyLab Marketing.
Find out which one best complements the emphasis in your course:
Kotler and Armstrong – Marketing: An Introduction
- Choose this text for new discussions, examples and figures on recent developments across the marketing mix and for a focus on recent disruptions in the marketing environment.
- If your students will be interested in the real marketing issues and strategies from brands like Amazon, Google, Starbucks and Apple, then this is the text for your course.
Solomon, Marshall and Stuart – Marketing: Real People, Real Choices
- If you want to help your students understand how real decision makers confront decisions in their jobs and the real impact it has on their company, this title would be perfect for you.
- Choose this new edition if the marketing choices made by LEGO, Spotify, Proctor & Gamble and PepsiCo would fascinate your students and especially if your goal is to build their understanding and skills around Marketing Metrics.
Explore other Marketing subject texts (PDF)
Request your sample copies today by emailing asktheHEteam.middleeast@pearson.com with the ISBN 9781292433103 (Kotler/Armstrong) and/or 9781292434384 (Solomon/Marshall/Stuart) and providing your contact details.
Personalizing learning and improving results for every student
With MyLab Marketing’s flexible and adaptive digital tools – like assignments that allow students to practice their marketing metrics and analytics skills – you can create courses that fit the unique needs of your curriculum and your students. Interactive course-specific content can be tailored and assigned to activate your learners, while online assessments and progress data give immediate feedback and help you decide what to teach and how best to teach it.
Learn more about MyLab Marketing
Top tips for using MyLab Marketing for student success
Before class
- Set Marketing Metrics Assignments so that students can start practicing their skills and improve their understanding of this key area.
- Encourage them to watch videos on a range of topics that bring business concepts to life and illustrate marketing concepts they’re learning about in class.
During class
- Set quizzes that assess students’ subject understanding of videos they’ve watched beforehand.
- Use Learning Catalytics classroom response system, to stimulate discussion and engagement.
- Let students explore branching marketing scenarios that show them the impacts of their decisions. These Mini Sims (simulations) use real-world business challenges to embed learning and understanding.
After class
- Set regular homework worth a total of 10-20% of the module – assignments are auto-graded which saves you time and your students get instant personalized feedback on their progress.
- Encourage students to work through practice exercises. MyLab Marketing shows them which topics they have mastered and those they should study more.
- Tailor your teaching material to student needs based on the data produced.
Start the digital transformation of your course today
We’re here to help you integrate our engaging digital content and online assessment tools into your next marketing course – ask your Pearson representative for more information.
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