• Pearson hosts dedicated bilArabi education workshops to inspire a love of Arabic in the classroom

    Pearson Middle East has recently concluded a series of educational workshops in Dammam, Riyadh and Jeddah, focusing on innovative ways to inspire a love of the Arabic language in the classroom. With more than 150 educators who were part of the events including school owners, principals and heads of the department, the focus was on adopting bilArabi, the recently launched student-centred Arabic language programme, in both international and private schools across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    bilArabi sets a new quality benchmark for Arabic with a standards-based approach and champions interactive methods to accelerate language proficiency. It is the first inquiry-based programme developed for both native and non-native speakers to address the current gap for rigorous, modern and forward-thinking Arabic courses in schools. Developed for students aged 5-14 (Level 1-9), it helps them learn and reconnect with the Arabic language in a fun and engaging way, through relatable stories, contexts and characters.

    The course also enables learners to demonstrate their Arabic language proficiency level and rate of progress through ongoing formative assessment delivered through the bilArabi digital platform.

    Dr Hanada Taha-Thomure, lead author of the bilArabi commented, “The rigour of the programme is matched by its progressively cutting-edge approach to learning Arabic, through standards, literature and inquiry-based learning.  Fun characters and engaging stories that students can relate too are the main focus of the program. The bilArabi programme fosters a sense of cultural identity and knowledge of Arabic history by the use of past and current case studies and literature in the course content.”

    Emma Whale at Pearson Middle East commented, “The Kingdom is witnessing significant transformations in its academic sector, as it presses ahead to realise the Vision 2030 aim of creating a knowledge society and economy. At the core of this process is establishing high-performing education systems, including a consistent approach to learning the Arabic language, which draws on international best practices and close collaboration.

    bilArabi sets a new quality benchmark for the Arabic language with a standards-based approach. A number of schools in KSA and the UAE have recently piloted the programme and contributed to its development. By collaborating with educators to create a ‘whole school’ responsive pedagogy, our professional development solution meets specific child needs and ensures a consistent approach to learning Arabic. It also actively develops students’ 21st-century skills to prepare them for higher education, employment and future success, alongside comprehensive Arabic language acquisition and proficiency.”

    Following on from the successful pilot phase, bilArabi is now available for levels 1-3 in the KSA and UAE. Higher levels will be available from September 2020 in the KSA, UAE and Kuwait.

    Dhahran Ahliyyah School in the KSA that piloted the bilArabi program commented “bilArabi is wonderful and useful, we were able to increase our children’s vocabulary, sentence structure and storytelling, allowing them to write with confidence.” Furthermore, Hani Naguib, Head of Arabic at Orbit International School: "A huge thanks and appreciation to Dr Hanada in her efforts to develop a modern, engaging and effective approach for teaching Arabic in schools".

    Saudi Arabia’s vision 2030 is now the driving force behind a number of education reforms. The Kingdom emphasises the centrality of education and bilArabi gives great importance to education improvement and keeps pace with the transformations that Saudi Arabia is experiencing in all areas of development.

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  • Pearson highlights emerging trends that will shape education sector in 2019

    Saudi Arabia- The role of technology and its influence within the education sector continues to change at an unprecedented rate. Analysts forecast the education market in UAE is set to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.74% during the period 2018-2022.  Both learners and educators have had to come to terms with the digital revolution, which has swept the educational landscape, bringing with it a host of new opportunities and challenges. The voice and choice of students are guiding practice and pedagogy. This year, the education sector is set for digital disruption with four key emerging trends that will collectively change how students learn and educators teach.

    Özhan Toktas, Managing Director of Pearson Middle East, explains how the education sector is set for digital disruption with four key emerging trends that will collectively change how students learn and educators teach.

    Trend # 1 Virtual Schooling will graduate to the next level 

    A number of studies have indicated that today's generation, are generally more comfortable with technology than their predecessors, and are more reliant than ever on digital sources for information and entertainment. Improved technological literacy and easy access to the internet has enabled educators to establish virtual schools as partial solutions to the problems of curriculum equity, changing demographics, shortages in specific teaching disciplines and the need to be cost-effective. Not only that, virtual schooling allow students to choose courses which equip them with real-world skills. Qualifications from the International Connections Academy (iNaCA), for example, are accepted at Juilliard, Yale and Stanford universities to name a few.

    The growth of virtual schools will bring about changes in conventional schooling. The change will not happen overnight: the traditional schooling system, which we have used for more than a hundred years, is not going to vanish in a few short years. It is more likely that virtual schools will become a small but soon a significant part of the educational landscape. 

    Trend # 2 STEM skills will be the focus

    Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is already a staple of western education, and in 2019, it will become an even bigger focus area in the Middle East. Recent studies have shown that 1.9 million jobs in the UAE will become redundant due to advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, 3-D printing and self-driving cars.  These advancements highlight the need for young people – which represent a large proportion of the Middle Eastern’s population – to acquire new skills that can prepare them for a changing tomorrow. On top of that, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, STEM occupations are growing at 17%, while other occupations are growing at 9.8%.

    In 2019, STEM education at the K-12 level will be an all-hands-on-deck for students who want a career in one of these fields. The knowledge of science and technology will provide students with the background necessary to understand and work with the ever-changing technologies that they will encounter in any career. To ensure every student gains these benefits, K-12 schools will need to teach STEM in a conceptual and experiential way. In the near future, STEM skills could also massively expand one’s choice of jobs. For example, mathematicians are employable in many different industries, and not just teaching. Wall Street is one of the top recruiters for college math majors. The Middle East, with its focus on innovation and future-readiness, is creating the perfect landscape to entrench STEM into everyday life.

    Trend # 3 – Rise in popularity of eLearning

    With the proliferation of high-speed internet, learning is no longer confined to the physical classroom or the library. Through video sharing platforms and interactive apps, an educator can deliver lectures to students through distance as well as time. This flexibility and greater reach gives the added benefit of economies of scale. As a student, that means budget or physical location is no longer an impediment in accessing professional expertise. Workers looking at acquiring new skills and knowledge expect to be able to learn on-demand and to be able to apply those skills immediately.

    It has also become increasingly difficult for employed individuals to take time off from their career to pursue any type of training, up-skilling or formal education. In recognition of this, specialists expect to see education extending to eLearning. New and flexible forms of delivery using advanced technologies will ensure a more blended and assisted approach to learning. Higher education administrators are also beginning to evaluate campus designs to find ways to integrate technology and to provide online experiences that are interactive and flexible. Over the years, universities will increasingly use virtual spaces with avatar students and teachers for innovative teaching, learning and research projects. The virtual world will enable both students and educators to do what cannot be done in the real world, providing platforms to best serve the learning need.

    Trend # 4 – Blended and personalised learning for professional development 

    The Middle East online education market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period of 2017-2023. The market growth is likely to be driven by the huge government investment and rapid adoption of online education and e-learning by educational institutes and corporate organisations. Geographically speaking, the largest share of the online education and e-learning market is held by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is expected to garner USD 237.1 million by 2023. UAE comes in at the second place and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.3% over the same period.Blended and eLearning will slowly be acknowledged as the most viable and convenient solution to correct the imbalance between supply and demand. Private companies, especially those related to education and Edtech like Pearson Professional, are also starting to play their fair share of the game and are making more investments and taking concrete and courageous steps to introduce new blended courses (i.e. career programmes, certificate programmes or MicroMasters programmes - mini-degrees or certifications in specific topic areas that are delivered in small chunks) covering such popular disciplines as Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management amongst others.Implementing change quickly and sustainably is a challenge most organisations face, and the education sector is no different. The future of education — both at work and at school — involves change and adoption of technology, and in 2019 the sector will see much more progress on these fronts. As a result, both online and blended learning with the introduction of short, will provide a viable and cost-effective alternative to traditional training methods of the past.

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  • Pearson hosts tech workshops in the UAE, Bahrain and KSA to help educators impart real-life tech skills to students

    Dubai,UAE - Pearson Middle East welcomed more than 60 professionals across the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain higher education sector with the aim to help them drive higher levels of digital literacy amongst their students.

    The full-day events recently hosted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) offered educators the opportunity to teach students the skills which employers seek today and that are in high demand. Typically, these skills include technical skills such as in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications including word processing and excel spreadsheets. Students in the Middle East are often comfortable with technology usage with regards to social media but struggle with practical digital skills for the workplace. Sometimes language barriers also play a role. Digital literacy events such as these seek to address the gaps.

    Increasingly, the Middle East is becoming renowned as a technology hub, with the UAE and the KSA focusing strongly on innovation in this sector. At the same time, employers place a lot of emphasis on finding candidates with the right skills and competencies for their organisations. Often IT skills are at the top of this list. 

    A number of key initiatives put into motion by the two countries look set to drive technology, with digital transformation taking off in the key sectors including government, banking, transportation and healthcare. A recent Fitch Solutions report ranked the UAE as the second biggest economy in the Arab world and the most attractive information technology market. Technology investments, related to smart city initiatives across MEA, is predicted to reach $2.7 billion in 2022, with Dubai and Riyadh leading the way, according to Massachusetts-based researcher International Data Corporation.

    Dalia Leil, Head of the Higher Education Portfolio Strategy, Pearson Education commented, “The education landscape has been fast evolving with an increased emphasis on going beyond curriculum-based learning to the professional development of students with the use of technology. Pearson’s ICT in action events provide educators across the UAE and KSA with the skills and confidence they need to improve teaching and learning through pedagogical use of technology. The events were led by Mary Anne Poatsy, a highly esteemed author of Technology in Action to share her experience on how to deliver an authentic individualized learning experience and overcome of the common challenges faced by students today.”

    Mary Anne Poatsy, keynote speaker at the ICT in action events and author of Technology in Action, as well as series editor for the Exploring series shared her teaching experiences to help accelerate how educators can support their learners with the right knowledge and skills on what matters the most now, and in the future. She addressed student learning challenges with practical sessions on problem-solving and risk identifying with analogies on how to challenge students’ skills and identify the right talent. 

    “Digital literacy isn’t just about learners understanding how to use a single technology or a host of programs and devices,” said Poatsy. “It is about teaching students how to use digital tools to create something original and adaptable to any work environment.”

    MyLab IT, a teaching and learning platform that empowers educators to reach every student, was also demonstrated at the ICT in action events to help navigate engagement and assessment of student’s skills. The platform is an interactive IT system that delivers trusted content and resources through an expansive course materials library, including new easy-to-use prebuilt learning modules that promote student success – that all can be personalised to give each and every student what he or she needs to succeed. Used by more than 350,000 users annually MyLab IT has supported many successful faculty and programs in the redesign of college courses to effectively use technology. The system helps educators catch at risk students, spot overall class difficulties and run simulation step frequency analysis to support students and help them become sharp critical thinkers and advanced tech users, meeting the essential skills employers seek.

    “For over 17 years, instructors have relied upon Tech in Action to teach the skills necessary to succeed in a digital lifestyle, both personally and professionally. The source provides a wealth of information on digital literacy as well as more advanced topics such as on Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Security, Privacy, and Ethics which are so relevant in the current landscape,” added Dr. Paula Kenny, Associate Professor at Princess Noura bint Abdulrahman University, KSA.

    “Employers today recruit people with soft and technical skills especially those with knowledge of the Microsoft Office applications. Through MyLab IT students can validate their Microsoft Office skills with digital badges. Moreover, students achieving 90% or greater on Application Capstone assessments qualify for discounts in MOS certification exams.”

    For more information, please visit https://middleeast.pearson.com/

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  • Pearson hosts Future Skills Principal’s Forum in Jordan

    Pearson Middle East welcomed more than 80 principals and professionals from educational departments and schools across Jordan to discuss future-oriented education.

    The forum was aimed at providing educators with innovative ways to engage ‘Generation Z’ students in learning, and to ensure that they successfully progress to global higher education and employment in the 21st-century. 

    Principals who attended were provided with the latest updates on Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) and International Advanced level qualifications, including the transferable skills embedded within the qualifications to help students develop the core 21st-century competencies of critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity.

    At the forum, Pearson also introduced BTEC (vocational/life-long learning) qualifications, designed to equip students with the technical skills they need to successfully enter the workforce.

    “We want to encourage Pearson Edexcel schools to consider offering BTEC qualifications as a complementary pathway for students looking to improve their technical skills, alongside academic learning, to further increase their employability. Moreover, Pearson Edexcel and BTEC qualifications combined also provide schools with a solution to simultaneously prepare their students for higher education and future employment,” said Özhan Toktas, Managing Director, Pearson Middle East, who also delivered a welcome speech at the Forum.

    “Across the world, 290 million young people are out of work. At the same time, almost 40% of employers are unable to fill current vacancies. In Jordan, the unemployment rate is approximately 18.7% and has been steadily increasing over the past three years, highlighting the need for a skilled workforce. Pearson’s Edexcel and BTEC qualifications will help build a future-ready workforce equipping the Jordanian economy with the transferable and technical skills and knowledge needed in the market,” added Toktas.

    The Future Skills Principal’s Forum took place at the Grand Hyatt, Jordan and featured a keynote talk from education expert, Dr. Tarek A. Tutunji. Dr. Tutunji focused on exploring different ways to reach, teach and manage the new generation, ‘Generation Z’, with a more digital mind-set, offering them highly valuable skills for the next level of learning and  employment.

     “Generation Z (Gen Z) students are filling the classrooms in Jordan. By 2020, Gen Z will make up 20% of a multigenerational workforce. To succeed in the age of global education and human-technology interaction, educators must adapt their teaching methodologies to unleash the power of tech-savvy and future entrepreneurs,” commented Tarek Tutunji, Associate Professor at the Mechatronics Engineering Department at Philadelphia University in Jordan. 

    Amjed Al Fahoum, Associate Professor at the Biomedical Systems and Informatics Engineering department in Al Hussein Technical University also spoke at the forum and highlighted the need for teaching the knowledge and skills, through a combination of academic and vocational qualifications at school, that will make students successful at degree-level of study and in future jobs.

    With a mission to help people make progress in their lives through learning, Pearson is a high-quality provider of academic and vocational qualifications amongst other offerings, which help equip students in Jordan with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in higher-education and employment. It’s crucial for young learners to be prepared for jobs that don’t exist yet, by continuing to develop their knowledge, technical capabilities and 21st century skills to thrive in the future. To meet these essential needs, Pearson provides a complete eco-system for schools, which includes Pearson Edexcel and Pearson BTEC qualifications and supporting resources along with the professional training. 

    For more information, please visit middleeast.pearson.com

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  • Pearson Middle East calls for nominations for the 9th BTEC Awards

    Dubai, UAE − Pearson, the digital learning company, is inviting nominations for the BTEC Awards 2019. BTEC is a highly regarded career-focused qualification, studied in over 60 countries, and every year Pearson celebrates outstanding BTEC students, teachers, colleges, schools and training providers from around the world.

    The 9th BTEC Awards will celebrate exceptional BTEC students and apprentices - and recognise the inspirational teachers and tutors whose dedication and passion are moulding the career professionals of the future.

    Cindy Rampersaud, Senior Vice President, BTEC and Apprenticeships at Pearson, said, “The BTEC Awards are our chance to recognise and reward the many teachers and lecturers in schools, colleges and training providers across the world who provide inspiration to learners to succeed and progress.”

    She added, “This year, to celebrate the diversity of talent, for the very first time, every award category will be open to all BTEC students, Apprentices, teachers or providers, at any level, anywhere in the world. This means plenty of opportunities to enter your exceptional BTEC stars and give them a chance to win a prestigious international BTEC Award. We look forward to meeting all the 2019 winners at our glittering Awards ceremony in London this summer”

    The shortlisted entries will be evaluated by an expert panel of judges against various criteria. The last date to submit an entry is 18th March 2019. Nominations can be placed  at http://pear.sn/tOy730gPzzH

    The BTEC Awards have been running for nine consecutive years, recognising the incredible efforts and hard work of many students and teachers. The event in London is attended by winners, their families, teachers as well as stakeholders from the education and business world. 

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  • Pearson launches bilArabi, an innovative new Arabic language program for K-9 students in Saudi Arabia

    Riyadh, KSA - Pearson Middle East today officially launched ‘bilArabi’, an innovative Arabic learning programme designed to help students aged 4-13 learn and reconnect with the language in a fun and engaging way. The new learning programme was introduced at a launch event in the Al Faisaliah Hotel attended by more than 95 education professionals.

    Recognizing that an interactive approach plays a significant role in enriching children’s learning experience and development, the bilArabi programme uses an inquiry-based approach with engaging characters and stories that makes learning student-centred. bilArabi will be rolled across schools in the KSA and the UAE (first phase), with the potential of further expanding to other countries in the future. 

    Often, the Arabic language teaching methods in schools is traditional, using a rote approach. Students – and especially those for whom Arabic is a second or even third language - struggle with this way of learning and will benefit immensely from the more intellectually stimulating approach offered by bilArabi.

    Saudi Arabia’s vision 2030 is now the driving force behind a number of education reforms. The Kingdom has introduced wide-ranging initiatives to promote Arabic. The Prince Sultan Program for Arabic Language, in cooperation with UNESCO, was launched in 2007 by the late Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz to support and promote Arabic language and culture within the UN framework. A $3 million, five-year plan was launched in 2016 and in 2018 the Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud Foundation celebrated Arabic Language Day at UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris, promoting Arabic as a channel to bridge the gap between different cultures. 

    Majid Mneymneh, Country director at Pearson Education KSA commented, “The Kingdom has come a long way in terms of education in recent decades and is committed to transform its teaching methodologies. The country is home to 34 million people, so its reforms could be immensely influential in the wider Arab world. Arabic could be used increasingly across the world if institutions used engaging, student-centred approaches to learning the language in the classroom however, from our experience the language is still being taught as it was nearly 20 years back. In line with the country’s 2030 vision we are proud to introduce the bilArabi programme to students to reignite a love of Arabic and to reinvigorate learning of the language. The programme is engaging and interactive and is aimed at gently challenging young learners, while teaching them important language skills that research shows will aid them during their school years and into adulthood.”

    “bilArabi is a rich curriculum that offers more than just language learning, with content that aims to develop a passion for Arabic history and culture and inspire trust in a bright future for the language. The course also includes 21st Century Skills such as collaboration, creativity and critical thinking to prepare students for high-stakes exams and the workplace,” added Dr. Hanada Taha, lead author of the bilArabi Arabic language programme and endowed Chair Professor of Arabic Language at Zayed University.

    Pearson is committed to support innovation in education in the region and in KSA and bilArabi is a great example of this. The programme is the first inquiry-based Arabic language program for schools developed by a team of experts based in the Middle East, specifically for the Middle East market.

    bilArabi is based on international language teaching standards, which means that students’ proficiency and progress are measured across a new quality benchmark for Arabic language acquisition, and one where learning outcomes are consistent across different schools and countries. It is accessible to all students with the inclusion of native and non-native strands and also uses a literature-based approach to develop a sense of cultural identity and pride in Arabic history through connections to past and current case studies. With the aim to enhance learning, imagination, cognitive and interactive experiences, the new language programme will bridge the current gap in the education sector. 

    Learners can access their student eBook through the bilArabi digital platform and can also take part in online practice activities such as quizzes to test their Arabic language knowledge and understanding, extending learning beyond the classroom. The inclusion of ‘parent engagement’ sections in the Student’s Book actively involves parents in their child’s Arabic language learning development from the outset of the course. bilArabi offers a blended-learning approach that suits both traditional and more technologically advanced schools. 

    Following a successful pilot currently being rolled out in selected schools, bilArabi learning programme will be launched this quarter for level 1-3 with international private schools in the KSA and UAE for first teaching in September 2019. Higher levels will be available from 2020 in the KSA, UAE and Kuwait.

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  • Pearson launches bilArabi, an innovative new Arabic language program for K-9 students in the UAE

    Dubai, UAE - Pearson Middle East today officially launched ‘bilArabi’, a dedicated Arabic learning programme designed to help students aged 4-13 learn and reconnect with the language in a fun and engaging way. The new learning programme was introduced at a launch event in the UAE attended by more than 95 education professionals.

    Recognizing that an interactive approach plays a significant role in enriching children’s learning experience and development, the bilArabi programme uses an inquiry-based approach with engaging characters and stories that makes learning student-centred. bilArabi is aligned with the UK and US curriculum and will be rolled across schools in the UAE and KSA (first phase), with the potential of further expanding across the higher education sector and to working professionals.

    As younger students continue to struggle with literacy in the Arabic language, schools in the UAE are being urged to dedicate more time to teaching Arabic reading and language comprehension skills. A 2017 survey carried out by the UAE government showed that only 68% of students in the UAE had high skills in Arabic, according to national tests. In fact, the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda has set as a target that UAE students have a strong knowledge of the Arabic language. The current teaching methodology in schools is mostly traditional, often using a rote approach. Students – and especially those for whom Arabic is a second or even third language - struggle with this way of learning and will benefit immensely from a more engaging approach. An estimated 83.5% of the UAE population is made up by expats. 

    bilArabi is based on international language teaching standards, which means that students’ proficiency and progress are measured across a new quality benchmark for Arabic language acquisition, and one where learning outcomes are consistent across different schools and countries. It is accessible to all students with the inclusion of native and non-native strands and also uses a literature-based approach to develop a sense of cultural identity and pride in Arabic history through connections to past and current case studies. 

    Fabio d'Emilio, Service Delivery and Publishing Director at Pearson Middle East commented, “The UAE has set a goal to rank in the top 20 countries in Programme for International Student Assessment and the top 15 nations in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study by 2021. In line with this strategy, we are proud to introduce this programme to students to reignite a love of the Arabic language and to reduce its overall decline in the learning of the language. The programme is engaging and interactive and is aimed at gently challenging young learners, while teaching them important language skills that research shows will aid them during their school years and into adulthood.”

    With the aim to enhance learning, imagination, cognitive and interactive experiences, the new language programme will bridge the current gap in the education sector. As Dr.Hanada Taha, series author and endowed Chair Professor of Arabic Language at Zayed University and former acting Dean of Bahrain Teachers College comments:

    “bilArabi is a rich curriculum that offers more than just language learning, with content that aims to develop a passion for Arabic history and culture and inspire trust in a bright future for the language. The course also includes 21st Century Skills such as collaboration, creativity and critical thinking to prepare students for high-stakes exams and the workplace,” added Dr. Hanada Taha.

    "We are proud to roll out the bilArabi programme in partnership with Pearson, underlining our ongoing commitment to improve the methodologies used for teaching the Arabic language. bilArabi has already proven invaluable in our strategic plan in developing the pedagogical practice of our teachers and in ensuring our children have a love for the language. The programme plays a significant role in contributing to the future of Arabic teaching, which is aligned with research, creativity and innovative teaching strategies. We look forward to further monitoring the impact of bilArabi on its progress and attainment over time," commented Ashleigh Thompson, Deputy Headteacher at Kings’ School Nad Al Sheba in Dubai.

    Learners can access their student eBook through the bilArabi digital platform and can also take part in online practice activities such as quizzes to test their Arabic language knowledge and understanding, extending learning beyond the classroom. The inclusion of ‘parent engagement’ sections in the Student’s Book actively involves parents in their child’s Arabic language learning development from the outset of the course. bilArabi offers a blended-learning approach that suits both traditional and more technologically advanced schools. 

    Following a successful pilot currently being rolled out in selected schools, bilArabi learning programme will be launched from January 2019 for level 1-3 with international UK and US curriculum schools in the UAE and KSA for first teaching in September 2019. Higher levels will be available from 2020 in the UAE, KSA, Qatar and Kuwait.

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  • Pearson Middle East hosts Math Day to improve teaching and learning of Mathematics across the UAE

    Dubai, UAE- Pearson Middle East today opened its doors to more than 50 professionals in the higher education sector with the aim of improving students’ engagement in Mathematics.

    Pearson’s ‘Math Day’ is a professional event that addresses learning challenges with practical sessions to help accelerate how educators support their learners to develop their knowledge and skills on what matters the most now, and in the future. The full-day programme aims at strengthening the pipeline of STEM students to both support UAE’s educational system and contribute to the growing needs for a skilled workforce.

    Mohamed Kais Zribi, Regional Director, Gulf & Levant Pearson Middle East commented, “Pearson’s Math Day is an initiative to arm educators in the higher education sector with the right tools, strategies and resources to help students succeed in their studies and meet their career goals. The full-day event brings one of the highly esteemed Math authors in the world to share with educators how he inspires students to develop a passion for math. The practical sessions are especially catered to the Middle East and expose educators to more in-depth strategies to help students succeed in problem-solving and critical thinking.” 

    The full-day event was kicked off by Eric Schulz, who co-authored an online interactive Pre-Calculus and Calculus textbooks used in colleges and universities across the world. In addition to bringing the subject to life with interactive graphics in his eTexts, Schulz addressed the current state of Math in the UAE, with strategies on how to engage students to enhance the Math learning experience while developing strong analytical skills. Schulz also zeroed in on how educators can adapt their teaching methodologies with approaches on how to overcome classroom difficulties including cheating and learning deficiencies. Amongst the interactive sessions delivered, attending educators were provided with digital tools and resources to help them engage and inspire students to achieve more. The use of interactive learning responses tools was also highlighted to facilitate and encourage team-based learning.

    “Success in mathematics can increase the opportunities you will have in your career,” said Professor Eric Schulz. “Strong quantitative skills, built from success in mathematical studies, can improve an individual’s ability to solve problems in the workplace.” 

    Fears of technologically-driven unemployment have arisen throughout the centuries, usually provoked by a disruption, like the Industrial Revolution. However, automation is only one part of the story. Equally important are other trends including: changing demographics, urbanisation, globalisation, inequality, political uncertainty. Employers also regularly express concerns that young adults lack the necessary communication and number skills needed for success in today’s workplace. According to National Numeracy, the digital era outputs a lot more numerical data than before, with around 90% of graduate jobs requiring a high level of digital skills, built on numeracy. These factors make it critical to understand the jobs and skills needed in the future, making professional events such as Math Day, is a step forward in this direction.

    Pearson MyLab Math is Pearson’s world-leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment products, that aims to improve the results of higher education students. It is also one of the many educational learning tools available to assist educators by combining classic principles of teaching, trusted content and interactive products. Used by more than 11 million student users annually, Pearson MyLab creates online learning experiences that are truly personalised and continuously adaptive. Pearson MyLab reacts to how students are actually performing, offering data-driven guidance that helps them better absorb course material and visualise as well as conceptualise difficult concepts.

    Following a successful STEM event earlier this year, Pearson Math day is the second educational event organised for professionals in the education sector across the Middle East. The Math day events ran across the UAE, KSA and Kuwait.  

    For more information, please visit https://middleeast.pearson.com/

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  • Pearson’s 2018 Schools Conference paves the way in STEM education

    Dubai, UAE - Pearson Middle East welcomed more than 200 professionals from educational departments and schools from across the UAE to discuss future-oriented education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

    The “Discover STEM” schools conference 2018 took place over two days at the Five Hotel, Palm Jumeirah Dubai and explored the different teaching strategies to encourage students to continue their studies in STEM.

    The two-day conference included in-depth research presentations, professional conversations about best practice, engaging panel discussions, and practical workshops across both UK and US curricula enabling delegates to explore and develop new ideas about integrated STEM education to help prepare students for higher education and future employment.

    Some of the impressive line-up of speakers included:

    Dr.Rana Dajani, the world-renowned influential female Arab scientist, internationally recognised by UNESCO, who provided a keynote discussion on a STEM education that matters;

    Deborah Herridge, International Science Bug Author, who discussed different ways to engage students and support children’s ability to think scientifically and make progress in Science;

    Mark Levesley, Exploring Science Author, who addressed– the S in STEM and looked at the core STEM skills;

    David Albon, who worked on a number of projects specialising in the needs of English Medium/EAL education. At the conference, Albon did an overview of the iPrimary and iLowerSecondary (iPLS) programmes and looked at why Computing is important in the primary and lower secondary levels;

    Kathryn Booth, Head of Academic Qualifications, Pearson Middle East, who provided an overview of Pearson Edexcel's academic qualifications in STEM as well as how to deliver mathematics within science; strategies for school maths and science departments

    Mike Padilla, Interactive Science and Elevate Science Author, who addressed problem-solving and scientific thinking in the science curriculum;

    Maaroof Fakhri and Ainara Lopez from Labster, conducted an interactive discussion on using virtual labs within the STEM curriculum in UAE and Saudi Arabia; and

    Saki Milton, US Curriculum Expert with more than 20 years in the education industry¸ who explored how to extend Maths and Science learning beyond the classroom, at both Elementary and High-School levels.

    Kathryn Booth, Head of Academic Qualifications for Pearson Middle East commented, “We chose the STEM theme to fit with the UAE 2021 vision, where innovation, research, science and technology will form the pillars of a knowledge-based, highly productive and competitive economy. We’re living in a tech-obsessed world that demands innovation and STEM-literacy, more than ever before. The conference is a testament of our commitment to continue investing in professional development across the region. It aims to bridge the gender diversity gaps sometimes found in STEM-related industries while equipping students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in a new information-based and highly technological society”.

    Dr. Rana Dajani, the world-renowned female Arab scientist and an advocate for science education added, “It is important to expose our younger generation to STEM in Education and equip them with important skills needed to help them succeed in their careers. STEM education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators. This type of learning is very hands-on, and skill based and requires students to do things with their hands to discover specific knowledge or to develop particular skills.”

    According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, STEM occupations are growing at 17%, while other occupations are growing at 9.8%. Global rankings reveal there is a lot to be done in the UAE to support young people to achieve success and to realise the UAE’s 2021 vision.

    The 2012 rankings indicate that UAE’s share of low achievers in mathematics (Below Level 2) was 46.3%, more than double the rate for the United Kingdom (21.8%). Experts in education and government agree that science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects are vital to our continued economic well-being. Yet, only a few students select these subjects. 

    As the UAE encourages a national innovation strategy with the growth of the education sector playing a vital role, Pearson Middle East believes that its time to shift old mindsets and bring in new concepts in learning that will drive innovation across the board.

    The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs analysis found that, compared to 2015, 21% of core skills required across all occupations will be different by 2020 in the GCC. This was further supported when LinkedIn’s UAE Economic Graph 2017 found that robotics, 3D printing and the Internet of Things are the main skill-clusters driving innovation in the emirates.

    The UAE, with its focus on innovation and future-readiness, is creating the perfect landscape to entrench STEM into everyday life. “Career choices for young graduates in the UAE are now more inclined towards STEM fields, which could eventually bridge the supply-demand gap in the job market,” added Kathryn Booth.

    The “Discover STEM” schools conference 2018 focused on emerging technologies and new methods and systems of teaching to increase achievement. Attendees were involved in discussions on the latest educational technologies from experts who use them, and were involved in workshops that explored an international level in the world of teaching with technology.

    Following a successful conference in the UAE, Pearson ME will also be hosting the STEM education conference for education professionals in KSA, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Oman.


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  • Pearson Middle East Celebrates its 20th Year Anniversary

    Dubai, UAE – Pearson Middle East has reached an exciting milestone as the company celebrates 20 years of delivering a range of teaching and learning services in the region, powered by technology that aims to help people progress in their lives through learning.

    The event was commemorated in Dubai with employees from regional offices in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, who played an instrumental role in the company’s success. Amongst those employees, four staff recently completed their 20-year tenure with the company.

    Commenting on the occasion, Karim Daoud, Managing Director at Pearson Middle East said, “Pearson is the oldest international publisher in the region and we are grateful to all our employees, whose hard work and commitment over the past 20 years have made the company into one of the most influential learning and training services in the world today.”

    "We congratulate our longest serving staff for their contribution and look forward to growing from strength-to-strength with exciting plans and developments afoot too. We have developed a close and long-term relationship with our clients including Arab Open University and Al Ittihad School Jumeirah to name a few, who have been with us from the very beginning. Our global footprint and broad portfolio is unmatched in the market, and provides a unique potential to broadly impact the community and learners around the globe.”

    Pearson was originally founded in the UK as a construction business in the 1840s, and was then switched to a publishing business in the 1920s. Today Pearson is the world's learning company offering educational products and services, assessment, and professional development for all stages of learning. The Middle Eastern office was established in September 1998 and in just over a year, the company introduced several English Language teaching resources supporting schools and universities in the region in their efforts to teach English to their learners. Pearson quickly expanded its product portfolio digitally to incorporate a wider breadth of services, including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) resources for international schools and universities, academic and vocational qualifications, English tests and assessments. 

    With the digitization of the classroom, Pearson shifted to blended and digital resources using technology to enhance the learners’ experience for more effective teaching and personalized learning. More recently Pearson has focused on bringing the latest augmented and virtual reality educational technology to improve the quality of education and training received in the region. 

    Pearson Middle East’s diverse workforce has grown significantly with more than 150 employees, and over 26 nationalities across Turkey, UAE and Saudi Arabia covering the whole region. The company also introduced Teacher Professional Development Services to help schools upskill their teachers, especially around 21st century skills and digital classrooms. The company has also recently launched its Pearson Professional division that helps professionals enhance their skills through MicroMasters and other blended education programmes covering such popular directions as Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management amongst others.

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