Digital learning tools give your Finance students the advantage
The face of teaching has changed rapidly in the last few years. Teaching aids and resources that were only gradually becoming available in some educational institutions before the Covid-19 pandemic, suddenly came to the forefront across the sector. Out of necessity, new ways of enabling students to learn and study rapidly appeared. It is now recognized that digital tools really can activate learning, leading to more fully engaged learners. Another considerable benefit is that online assessments and data tell you how students are doing, as they go, so you can decide what to teach (or reteach) and how best to teach it.
So as business students across the region have returned to their lessons for a new academic year, here are some things that you might like to know about the way that MyLab Finance digital tools can support students taking courses in the subject, helping them to achieve even better results.
MyLab Finance can help you:
- Manage large cohorts and multiple class sections.
- Let other instructors copy your settings, for a standardized syllabus across your department.
- Add, remove or modify existing instructional material to suit the needs of your students or department. MyLab content is tightly integrated with your textbook.
- Link your LMS platform to MyLab – accessing assignments and rosters and transferring grades with ease.
- Customize, copy and save lesson settings for future semesters – and even share it with other faculty members.
- Adjust your instructional strategy, using real-time data.
MyLab Finance benefits your students:
- Homework assignments, quizzes and tests are automatically graded – so they get rapid feedback.
- They get unlimited opportunities to master concepts, and, if they get stuck learning aids, like Help Me Solve This, View an Example and a Financial Calculator, assist them when they need it most.
- The ’Study Plan’ gives them personalized recommendations, practice opportunities and learning aids to help them stay on track.
- Conceptual videos tackle challenging topics (including Default Risk, Market Efficiency, Diversification, Mutual Fund Performance) to make them easier for students to grasp. Videos can be directly assigned to them by their instructor or are available in the multimedia library whenever they need them.
Explore some of our latest edition texts for Finance that come with MyLab
Multinational Business Finance by Eiteman, Stonehill & Moffett trains students to recognize and capitalize on the unique characteristics of global markets. With real-world mini-cases throughout, each chapter examines situations managers of real multinational firms encounter.
The text also examines the rapid evolution of global marketplaces, competition, opportunities and challenges faced by businesses today.
Corporate Finance (by Berk & DeMarzo) blends time-tested principles with the practical perspective of the financial manager. Students can “practice finance to learn finance” by solving problems like those faced by today’s professionals. Now with discussion on equity-raising, market efficiency, cryptocurrencies and bubbles plus insights from leaders in the field.
In this new edition, the authors have added useful tips on the interactive tools available and how to keep finance students engaged. Earlier in 2023, the authors hosted a webinar to share insights on current trends in teaching finance. They discussed how to encourage students to experiment with visualisation data to deepen their understanding of the subject.
To know more about their insights:
- Read the blog post "Bringing learning to life via interactive finance tools"
- Watch the ‘Bringing Finance to Life’ webinar.
Explore other Finance subject texts
Request your sample copy today by emailing with the ISBN of the title(s) you’d like, providing your contact details.
Start the digital transformation of your course today
We hope that you’ll choose these texts with MyLab Finance interactive digital tools for your next finance course.
We’re here to help you integrate our engaging digital content and assessment tools into your next finance course – ask your Pearson representative for more information.