Hibbeler: Engineering Mechanics Statics has new problems and Mastering Engineering offers new ways to manage your course to support student success

Give your higher ed students the skills to succeed in mechanics. Hibbeler’s updated Engineering Mechanics: Statics in SI Units offers a conceptual understanding of the discipline, with new figures, animations, photos and problems.

Updated content includes:

  •  Updated photos and photorealistic art to apply principles to real-world situations and explain how materials behave under load.
  • Updated problems for the application of theory in many different fields of engineering.
  • An expanded Answer Section with additional information on solving select Fundamental and Review Problems.
  • New and updated Fundamental Problems – to develop problem-solving skills through the simple application of concepts to standard problems. Partial solutions are included.
  • Main concepts and important definitions now highlighted in boldface.

 Explore other Engineering subject texts

Request your sample copy today by emailing asktheHEteam.middleeast@pearson.com with the ISBN 9781292444048 and providing your contact details.

Interactive course-specific content for fully engaged students

Mastering Engineering provides customizable digital tools and interactive features alongside the world-leading learning content from Hibbeler, to support active learning and fully engaged learners. Online assessments and data tell you how students are doing, as they go too – so you can decide what to teach and how best to teach it.

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Top tips for using Mastering Engineering

With Mastering Engineering you can:

  • Encourage students to use their smartphones, tablets, or laptops to engage in interactive tasks through Learning Catalytics. Our student response tool, originally designed for STEM, fosters higher thinking, better student engagement and peer-to-peer learning – and gives you real-time analytics to adapt your classes.
  • Set your own learning outcomes associated with Mastering Engineering content, then track both student and class-level performance.
  • Support students when they need it. Early Alerts use predictive analytics to identify struggling students as early as possible, even if their assignment scores are not a cause for concern. It’s then easy for you to engage students directly from within the platform.  
  • Streamline how you create and grade online exams, homework and projects with our efficient grading platform, Gradescope.
  • Guide students through engineering concepts in homework tutorials, supporting their problem-solving techniques and providing personalized feedback.
  • Assign targeted problem sets for credit or extra practice. Use Adaptive Follow-ups after a homework assignment to address any identified gaps.

Start the digital transformation of your course today

We hope that you’ll choose this text and Mastering Engineering for your next course.


We’re here to help you integrate our engaging digital content and assessment tools into your next mechanics course – ask your Pearson representative for more information.