Meet the updated text which makes management accounting relevant and practical for you and your learners

Newly revised Management Accounting for Decision Makers by Peter Atrill & Eddie McLaney uses concepts and methods to make management accounting more relevant and practical.

It does this through these new and updated features:

  • Content that reflects changes in the field including AI and the future of budgeting
  • New and updated real-world examples aid understanding of theory and how it actually applies to business environments
  • Refreshed critical review questions help students apply their knowledge of management accounting concepts 

Request your sample copy today by emailing with the ISBN 9781292349459 and providing your contact details. 

Reach every student through assigned practice exercises and personalized assessment

Pearson MyLab Accounting creates personalized online learning experiences that support engagement and student progress. New animated video exercises explore key concepts in management accounting including Break-even Point, Full costing, Variance analysis and Investment appraisal. These can be assigned to students after class to consolidate concepts and or before class to check their understanding of a topic. Six extra Case Studies have been added to this MyLab course, including one on AstraZeneca. These, and other MyLab exercises, help learners make links between theory and real-world decision making and application.

Learn more about MyLab Accounting

Lecturers use MyLab Accounting for focused practice opportunities and to strengthen comprehension.

At the College of Western Idaho, USA, homework is formative; students have the opportunity to learn from mistakes and practice concepts until they are confident. After introducing MyLab, learners reported that the exercises helped them to quickly identify areas of both strength and weakness, leading to more focused practice opportunities. Data showed that students who completed most assignments, earned average exam scores seven percentage points higher than those that skipped two or more assignments – suggesting that MyLab performance may be an indicator of successful course completion.

Read full study (PDF | 200.07 KB)

We hope that you’ll choose Management Accounting for Decision Makers by Atrill & McLaney along with MyLab for your next course.

Explore other Accounting subject texts (PDF)


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