Consumer Behavior text with added real-world cases and popular brand examples

This post is about the new edition of a popular consumer behavior textbook.

Solomon’s Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being covers what happens before, during and after we purchase something and how products can influence the way we feel about ourselves and each other – particularly in the social media and digital age. Many of the topics have both professional and personal relevance – making it easy to apply the theory outside of the classroom.

Updated content includes:

  • Examples and trending terms – using popular and familiar brands (including L’Oreal Paris, KitKat, Lush, KonMari, etc.).
  • Real-world cases and research studies.
  • Marketing Opportunity boxes – highlighting ways organizations capitalize on new marketing opportunities.
  • Chapter openers – exploring practical social media use and other consumer behavior applications.
  • Marketing Pitfalls.
  • Real data sets – tying together concepts across chapters and sections.


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A tutor at College of DuPage, Illinois, USA used Dynamic Study Modules (DSM) and quizzes in MyLab Marketing to encourage her students to read the subject textbook prior to lecture –ensuring they were ready to contribute and participate in class discussion and activities. Students who completed more than the average number of DSM earned higher than average quiz and exam scores. Students collectively agreed that the test-review-retest pattern of the DSM helped them retain information about important course concepts.

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